Happy New Year everyone! (Belated we know!) We realise you've probably seen a million Facebook status' and tweets along the lines of 'new year new me!' resolutions but instead of one overriding resolution, we've set ourselves a list of 15-20 things to complete in the new year. We've been doing this for a number of years now and 2015 is no exception! This year we've decided to share our lists publicly (slightly to help motivate us to get things done) and will be posting our progress throughout the year when we complete these tasks we've set ourselves! Some are just fun things to do, some are to help us get our shit together and others are just to improve our lives a little. Alongside our 2015 goals are some photos of our favourite moments from 2014!
Lizzie's List:

Lizzie's List:

1. Move out
2. Go see a play
3. Go to Paris
4. Go to Liverpool or Cornwall
5. Visit somewhere on my own for the day
6. Drink more water
7. Raise money for charity
8. Get fitter and healthier
9. Buy myself something extravagant
10. Run 5km
11. Go to a comedy gig
12. Get a skincare routine
13. Eat red velvet cake
14. Say yes more
15. Write more
(as you may notice i've already completed one of these already, no regrets!)
1. Move out
2. Visit Ireland
3. Invest in a decent moisturiser
4. Get a new job
5. Try street food in Thailand
6. Work with Elephants
7. See the new Star Wars
8. Read Les Miserables
9. Create a travel scrapbook/journal and stick to it
10. Learn something new
11. Try yoga
12. Bake a successful lemon meringue pie
13. See Angkor Wat
14. Go to a comedy gig
What are your resolutions this year?