Hello! This post is a quick update to explain our absence and what we've been doing over the last few weeks. We took an unintentional hiatus as we've both recently got new jobs and this has taken over a little but we'll be back blogging very soon with some exciting posts ahead! Our jobs are both in the same store, which was a happy coincidence, especially when our shifts are at the same time!

L: A few weeks ago got a full time job as a Barista at Costa! As I was a waitress before, I feel like I've taken to this job pretty quickly. The only thing I'm not used to is the volume of hours, my body is not used to full time work yet! I am enjoying my experience so far though, I can make most of the coffees (except a damn flat white, I've been told practise is the only way to crack them so I've been making several a day) and recently got a little promotion! When I'm not working at the moment i'm either sleeping, reading or squeezing in time with the boyfriend, I've read some really addictive books recently though, watch this space for our books of the month post soon! I've also been LOVING the autumnal weather we've been having, so ready for the winter now. October - December always fly by, definitely my favourite time of year!
S: So for just over a month now I have been working at Next. I've been picking up as many hours as I can to save up the money, which has resulted in a lot of 9 o'clock finishes! I'm really enjoying it so far, everyone has been super friendly and the other week a customer praised me to my manager, which was so nice to hear. I've been spending my time off either cuddled up with my cats watching Twin Peaks (ahhh i'm addicted!) or baking an excessive amount of lemon-based treats. I have also been listening to Taylor Swift's new album on an endless loop since it came out the other day and I am LOVING it! My favourite songs at the moment are Blank Space, Out of the Woods and Clean, but to be honest it changes with every listen! The album makes me want to just dance around my room and ignore my responsibilities, which is pretty much all I have been doing.
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