Monday 11 August 2014

Review: Hair Chalks

After spotting hair chalks on Instagram a couple of weeks ago we thought we'd give them a try! We were super excited when they arrived as they are so colourful and actually pretty big for your money. To use we found it best to wet your hair and wet the chalk then start colouring in your hair. Use a small piece of hair at a time and just run the chalk up and down your hair then leave it to dry. That's it! They're really simple to use and we loved the effect they gave. For thick hair it can take quite a while to get an opaque coverage and make sure you don't brush it out! These hair chalks wash out in the shower so are a great way to experiment with hair colour without the commitment! We think these would be amazing at a festival when you don't wash your hair anyway and we had great fun using them! Be warned, it can get really messy and you will cover your hands in the different colours so have an old towel or tissues at the ready! 

 The plan was to just ombre our hair with one colour each but we got a little carried away and decided to go with my little pony meets mermaid colours, no regrets! 

If you're lucky enough to have light hair then all the colours will show up fine, however on darker hair we found the lighter colours were quite faint so stick to the brighter shades!

We loved using these and will definitely be trying them again in the future! Have you tried using hair chalks before? Let us know if you have a go! 


  1. These are so cool - especially the pic with the red/orange/yellow! I've never been a fan of hair-dye of any sort but these look really fun, I just hope my hair isn't too dark.

    1. As long as you put enough water on your hair and the chalk the colours should show up even on dark hair! x

  2. I've never used hair chalk before but it seems so cool! I agree that it'd be great for a festival :)
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC, g+, and bloglovin? Let me know on my blog :)

  3. I love your Arctic Monkey's shirt. Sorry that had nothing to do with your actual post, I just wanted someone to point it out.

  4. I've always wanted to try these but worried that my hair is too dark! xx

    Kay | What Kay Does

    1. For dark hair, it's likely that not all the colours will show up that well. The paler colours (such as baby pink and light green) didn't show up on my hair much at all, so I doubt they'd show up on someone with darker hair unless you spent a while building up the colour. But I think the bright colours, like the yellow and orange and bright pink, would show up on darker hair. They seemed really pigmented when you put them on so I reckon they would be the ones to try. Saying that, I know it would be a pain to buy a box of hair chalks when you can only use half of them! There are smaller packs you can get which have mainly bright colours - so if you have dark hair I would probably recommend that instead! Hope this helps!
      Sophie x

  5. These look fab! Too scared to use these myself but look great on you!!xx

  6. Wow, these look amazing! I want to try them so badly now! Do you know if it rubs off easily? Like will it rub off onto your shirt or does it stay put? That would be the deal breaker for me, I wouldn't want it to transfer to my furniture or clothes. If they stay, I really want to go get some!

    Thanks for letting me read, love your blog! Just discovered you and am now following! Please come visit me too at

    1. Hi, thanks so much! I'm glad you like our blog!

      I found that when I first put the chalk on and my hair was damp it rubbed off onto my shirt quite easily - and I was wearing a white shirt so you could tell! But once it had dried the colour didn't transfer much, and I think if you sprayed it with hairspray it might also stop the colour rubbing. Even when the colour rubbed off though, it was faint and you can't really see it on darker clothes. It also washed out of my shirt really easily.
      So if you do try them, I would say wear a towel around your neck so your hair can dry without the chalk getting on your clothes, and then once its dry you can hairspray and it should be fine.You might get a little colour transfer (like at the back collar of a shirt), but nothing too noticeable and it should wash out. Hope this helps!

      Sophie x
